On Daddyhood and Aeroplanes

Radhika Ghose
2 min readJun 21, 2020


Bawling Baby

My husband and I had just finished bathing our daughter Mishti.

Mishti isn’t exactly a water-baby and started bawling as soon as her body touched water. This time we swapped duties. My husband offered to pacify her- while I put away everything.

Now, calming our daughter once you’ve set her off is not for the faint-hearted. It often involves guesswork and trial-and-error. My husband and I differ greatly in our approaches.

Responses When Our Daughter is Being Fussy

Hence, I returned to the room expecting a bawl-fest with an uncontrollable baby.

However, to my surprise, my husband was happily balancing Mishti on the palm of his hand.

The aeroplane maneuver explained. Mishti evidently hates being used as a prop.

“Look Reema, she’s an aeroplane! Wheeeeee!” my husband announced.

Mishti was no longer crying. Her arms were out. She was gurgling away happily whilst enjoying the view.

Quite impressed with my husband’s new-found Daddy skills, I let my emotions get the better of me.

“And you are the wind beneath her wings” I added.

I was counting on my husband remembering the song from the famous movie Beaches, starring Bette Midler.

Did you ever know that you’re my hero
And everything I would like to be?
I can fly higher than an eagle
For you are the wind beneath my wings

For those who have somehow missed this film, it’s about two girls who become friends one summer. They grow up, stay in touch over the years, and are always there for each other- especially during trying times. The movie is a definite tear-jerker.

My husband had not missed the movie but had definitely missed the point.

“Oh no. She has her own propeller! Just wait- you’ll hear it!” he quipped back.

Just then, our dear daughter gave a loud resounding fart.

